Disability Support Services

根据1973年康复法案第504条, 澳门新葡京博彩致力于确保所有课程, services, 所有学生都可以使用各种设施,并享有平等的受教育机会.





残疾服务提供住宿,以帮助公平的竞争环境,并为残疾学生创造成功的机会. 住宿的学生可能包括, 但不限于:同伴志愿者记笔记, extended test time, alternative test-taking location, readers, scribes, Oral or ASL interpreter services, adaptive equipment, assistive technology, tape recorders for classroom use, alternate format reading material, and/or in-class accommodations.

Requesting Services

如果你需要住宿,以完成招生过程或有兴趣了解更多关于残疾学生资格和获得服务, 从下面的链接中选择一所大学:

Northeast Lakeview College

Student Accessibility Services
Brazos Student Union, STCM 210
Phone: 210-486-5179
Email: nlc-sas@theweddingringblog.com

Northwest Vista College

沙漠柳树欢迎中心(DWWC) 120室
Phone: 210-486-4466


Palo Alto College

Disability Support Services
Rio Grande, Room 133A
Phone: 210-486-3020
Fax: 210-486-9126
Email: pac-dsstest@theweddingringblog.com

St. Philip's College

disABILITY Support Services
MLK Sutton Learning Center, Room 102
LIFEspace Center, Room A-135

San Antonio College

disABILITY Support Services
Victory Center, Room 101
Phone: 210-486-0020
Fax: 210-486-9143


Interpreter Services

澳门新葡京博彩的口译服务在教室和实验室为聋人或重听学生提供口译服务. 此外,大多数校园活动都是通过手语翻译进行的. 口译服务经理协调为新生提供口译服务和入职服务.

为了有资格获得服务,学生必须提供残疾证明文件. 口译服务经理的面试将开始.

口译服务部位于SAC校区,钉子技术中心,109G室. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至dst- interpretation @theweddingringblog.com

Fill Out Request Form

申请口译服务需要至少提前3天以书面形式提交.  所有的努力将满足要求,是否为一个正在进行的类, tutoring, or an extra-curricular event. 请填写以下表格申请口译员

澳门新葡京博彩没有种族歧视, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability with respect to access, employment programs, or services. 应提请Linda Boyer-Owens注意有关这些事项的询问或投诉, 雇员服务副校长, Title IX Coordinator, (210) 485-0200. 地址:人力资源部,邮编:2222. Alamo, San Antonio, Texas 78215. 如需特殊住宿或其他形式,请联系St. 菲利普学院教育支持服务,电话:(210)486-2020.