
December 15, 2021


代表东北湖景学院(NLC)的学生第二次参加了全国网络联赛(NCL)的比赛. NCL根据个人成就编制并发布了一份“大学实力排名”,列出了表现最好的大学, Team achievement, and overall participation by the college’s students. 东北湖景学院在全国和地区都名列前茅. No other local institutions made the Top 100 National ranking.

东北湖景学院在全国排名第84,在中部地区排名第25, beating out schools like Rice, Louisiana Tech, Purdue, UTSA, and Tulane in this region.

全国网络联盟比赛是一个“夺旗”或“黑客马拉松”式的活动.S. collegiate (2yr, 4yr, and graduate) level schools. 竞赛包括来自开源智能的挑战, Cryptography, Password Cracking, Forensics, and 5 other categories. 学生们将面临从简单到困难的网络安全挑战,并在一个周末的56个小时内解决尽可能多的挑战.

“This is a great accomplishment for these students,” says Chip Thornsburg, NLC Cyber defense program coordinator.  “NLC副学士级网络防御项目的学生能够在这次全国比赛中与来自全国各地的四年制大学和研究生级团队竞争并击败他们. This demonstrates the efficacy of NLC Cyber Defense coursework, along with the dedication of NLC students, 以及克服任何挑战所需的批判性思维能力. “

东北湖景学院的网络防御项目始于2019年,从那时起就获得了多项认可.  最近被评为2021年全国20个最佳网络安全副学士学位课程之一.  NLC的网络防御计划为学生提供思科行业相关的网络安全培训, Windows, and Linux inside of a dedicated network environment.

About The National Cyber League

Every year, over 10,来自美国300多所学院和大学的000名学生参加了NCL比赛. 这些排名代表了这些学校的学生在Cyber Skyline平台上执行现实世界网络安全任务的能力. Students had to identify hackers from forensic data, pentest, and audit vulnerable websites, recover from ransomware attacks, and more. Schools are ranked based on their top team performance, their top student's individual performance, and the aggregate individual performance of their students. View all the rankings and more information about the competition online here.

About NLC’s Cyber Defense Program

东北湖景学院的网络防御项目始于2019年,从那时起就获得了多项认可.  最近被评为2021年全国20个最佳网络安全副学士学位课程之一.  NLC的网络防御计划为学生提供思科行业相关的网络安全培训, Windows, and Linux inside of a dedicated network environment.

Learn more and to apply, visit the Cyber Defense webpage.