Dr. 玛丽Zocchi

Zocchi,博士. 玛丽
标题: 教师
部门: 数学 & 工程
办公室: 山核桃馆102

关于博士. 玛丽Zocchi

研究所:  科学 & 技术


Ph.D. | Teacher Education | University of Idaho

M.A. | Middle School 数学ematics Education | Western Governor's University

M.A. | Reading Specialist | UTEP

B.A, | Liberal Arts | University of the South


Would love to work with anyone interested in teaching as a career.


20+ years in the K-8 classrooms as either a teacher, specialist or instructional coach. 11 years teaching at NVC.


I have been a teacher, learning specialist or instructional coach for approximately 20 years in elementary/middle public and private schools. I wish to help our future teachers learn more about hands-on, experiential learning. I love to flyfish, garden, paint and take naps!!