



西北维斯塔学院 Receives 社区 Empowerment Fund Award from Microsoft to Facilitate Environmental Undergrad Research

(12月. 6, 2021) 西北远景学院最近收到了88美元,000 award from the Microsoft 社区 Empowerment Fund to give students the opportunity to earn competitive hourly stipends for environmental field work in the spring 2022 semester. 这个独特的项目, dubbed Microsoft 社区 大学 Undergraduate Research Experience or Microsoft CCURE, will provide students with research experience that will help them prepare for careers in environmental studies.

Students participating in the program can go beyond the classroom walls earning $15 an hour, 外加里程报销, 在雷士生态实验室做本科水平的研究, 哪一个占地28英亩, 发生在班德拉城外16号高速公路旁.

在雷士EcoLab, students will analyze habitat and count birds and mammals to help write a Texas Parks and Wildlife management plan for the property. The NVC EcoLab is a partnership between the college and private property owners. 有了这个计划, the property owners hope to increase the pollinator population on the land, 其中包括饲养蜜蜂和吸引更多的蝴蝶. 由于没有传粉媒介,这具有深远的影响, humans and all of earth’s terrestrial ecosystems would not survive.

“Most community college students must wait until they are juniors or seniors at four-year colleges before they can get hands-on, 现实世界的经验, 但有微软的资助, this means students can earn money while realizing their futures in environmental careers,”医生说。. 斯科特·沃克,NVC的地理学教授兼协调员 & Environmental Sustainability, and the lead project coordinator of Microsoft CCURE.

“在微软的慷慨支持下, local students will have the opportunity to do environmental science field research, 而不仅仅是在课堂上学习,沃克补充道.

除了津贴, students who are pre-majoring in environmental studies will be able to apply for academic scholarships from $500 to $1,200来帮助他们继续这条教育之路. NVC has transfer agreements with UTSA to streamline the transition to a four-year university.

微软社区授权基金, created and managed by Microsoft’s Datacenter 社区 Development team, 旨在支持社区主导的项目, 加强得奖者之间的合作, and develop ecosystems that help deliver common community priorities. 通过这种方法, 微软希望实现长期目标, 系统性, 以及它运作所在社区的整体结果.

“Microsoft is pleased to partner with 西北维斯塔学院 and its EcoLab to empower students with a unique learning opportunity to become more environmentally conscious,Alex Icenogle说, 圣安东尼奥数据中心社区领导. “微软社区授权基金 awards are an important way for the company and our employees to contribute to stronger, 更具复原力的社区.”

“超过26年了, NVC has made strides to be an environmental leader in the Westover Hills area and helping students become good stewards of the environment and preparing students for careers of the future,雷士公司总裁李博士说. Ric下贱的.

“This partnership with Microsoft takes the stress off of students trying to juggle the task of working and going to school,Baser补充道. “These funds will help our pre-environmental majors focus on careers that bring solutions to our environmental challenges.”



梅丽莎Monroe-Young, mmonroe-young@theweddingringblog.com
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西北远景学院(NVC), 是澳门新葡京博彩区的一部分, 联邦政府指定为西班牙裔服务机构(HSI), an institution of higher learning with a full-time equivalent undergraduate student enrollment that is at least 25% Hispanic. The college opened in 1995 with 12 students and has grown to one of the largest institutions of higher education in 圣安东尼奥 and the region with current enrollment exceeding 19,000名学生. 位于韦斯特多佛山, NVC’s expanding agreements with business and higher education partnerships provide a wealth of opportunities for students and the community.