Palo Alto College named “Rising Star” by national Aspen Prize

April 2, 2019

Public Relations

阿斯彭研究所的大学卓越计划今天宣布,帕洛阿尔托学院是2019年阿斯彭社区大学卓越奖的“新星”奖获得者, 这是美国对社区大学的杰出成就和表现的标志性认可.

“在这个级别上代表澳门新葡京博彩区和全国各地的社区学院是我们帕洛阿尔托学院的每一个人的荣誉, 如果没有我们的教职员工对这段旅程的承诺和整个社区的支持,这一成就是不可能实现的, including the leadership of the Alamo Colleges District," said Dr. Robert Garza, president of Palo Alto College. “无论学生是家里第一个上大学的,还是想继续接受教育的, 帕洛阿尔托学院一直认为每个人都应该接受教育. 我们把学生放在第一位,成为全国最好的学校之一, 我们将继续成为一个地方,我们的社区和学生可以实现他们的梦想和美好生活的愿望."

During an award ceremony in Washington, D.C., 帕洛阿尔托学院因建立了清晰的学位和转学途径而获得荣誉, exceptional student advising, and strong partnerships with K-12 systems, 在过去的四年里,哪些因素使毕业率和转学率有了显著的提高, from 28 percent to 47 percent.

“帕洛阿尔托学院在过去几年里进行了一系列令人印象深刻的结构改革,重点是建立清晰的转移和重组咨询途径," said Joshua Wyner, 阿斯彭研究所大学卓越项目的执行主任. "These reforms, 学院已经将其推广到高中学生的工作中, have enabled Palo Alto to improve student success rapidly, 为越来越多的学生提供他们想要和需要的东西:一个有价值的学位."

阿斯彭奖自2011年以来每两年颁发一次,表彰从超过1个原始池中选出的杰出机构,000 community colleges nationwide. With a singular focus on student success, 阿斯彭奖评估学校在四个方面的表现:学生学习, certificate and degree completion, 毕业后在劳动力市场上取得成功,并转入四年制大学, 有色人种学生和低收入家庭学生获得平等的机会和成功.

“董事会和澳门新葡京博彩区大家庭的所有人都为帕洛阿尔托学院获得阿斯彭研究所的新星奖的杰出成就感到自豪," said Dr. Mike Flores, chancellor of the Alamo Colleges District. “他们是我们学院中第一个赢得这一享有盛誉的荣誉,并被提名为阿斯彭奖十大决赛选手之一, and this recognition reflects their dedication, 努力工作,致力于学生的成功和卓越表现."

The 2019 Aspen Prize winners, Indian River State College (Fort Pierce, Florida) and Miami Dade College (Miami) will receive $350,000 each. 阿斯彭授予三所大学“新星”奖,以表彰它们在进步方面的出色表现:帕洛阿尔托学院, Odessa College (Odessa, Texas), and Pierce College at Fort Steilacoom (Lakewood, Washington). Each "Rising Star" winner will receive $100,000.

The prize winners, Rising Stars, 最终入围名单由阿斯彭奖评审团联合主席Ángel Cabrera宣布, president of George Mason University, and Kathy Warden, chief executive officer and president of Northrop Grumman. Cabrera and Warden led a distinguished Prize jury of education, business, and civil rights experts to select the top colleges, 这是一个严格的审查过程的一部分,其中包括审查有关表现和学习进步的大量数据, graduation, workforce, and equitable outcomes, along with multiday site visits to each finalist school.

2019 Aspen Prize Winners

  • Indian River State College (Fort Pierce, FL) – 24,300 students
  • Miami Dade College (Miami, FL) – 96,000 students

2019 Rising Star Award Winners for dramatic improvement

  • 澳门新葡京博彩区-帕洛阿尔托学院(德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥)- 10,600名学生
  • Odessa College (Odessa, TX) – 7,500 students
  • 斯泰拉库姆堡皮尔斯学院(Lakewood, WA) - 10,430名学生

2019 Finalists

  • Broward College (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
  • CUNY Kingsborough Community College (Brooklyn, NY)
  • Mitchell Technical Institute (Mitchell, SD)
  • Pasadena City College (Pasadena, CA)
  • San Jacinto College (Pasadena, TX)

阿斯彭研究所大学卓越计划旨在推进高等教育实践, policies, and leadership that significantly improve student outcomes, 尤其是对美国校园中不断增长的低收入和少数族裔学生. For more information, visit

The program is part of the Aspen Institute, 这是一个总部设在华盛顿的教育和政策研究组织, DC. 它的使命是培养基于持久价值观的领导能力,并为处理关键问题提供一个无党派的场所. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on Maryland's Eastern Shore. 它还在纽约市设有办事处,并拥有一个国际合作伙伴网络. For more information, visit

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