Information for Champions




Dear Champion,

我们很高兴您选择支持您的学生在他们的学术之旅! As a champion, you may be a family member, friend, mentor, or simply someone who has a student's best interest in mind. Below, 请在此找到有关学生入学的一些常见问题的答案, as well as some helpful resources. 我们也有澳门新葡京博彩,如果你想亲自与人交谈.

Once again, 我们非常高兴你愿意在情感上支持你的学生, physically, and potentially fiscally! 我们希望通过以下信息和支持,您能够理解为什么圣安东尼奥学院是全美排名前十的社区学院之一的首选机构.



Common Terms

Below, 请查找一些您和您的学生在注册过程中可能遇到的典型术语:

  • AlamoPROMISE -最后一美元奖学金机会,确保学生的学费将被支付.
  • Application -成为SAC学生的第一步是通过applytexas填写大学申请.org
  • FAFSA -免费申请联邦学生援助-向联邦政府提交的表格,用于申请各种类型的经济援助,包括奖学金, grants, and loans.
  • FERPA -《澳门新葡新京官方》,这是一部保护学生隐私的联邦法律.
  • FTIC - First time in college student. A student that has not previously been in college. Dual-enrollment students are still considered FTIC.
  • TSI Test 一种由即将入学的大学生参加的考试,使我们能够根据学生的技能水平为他们安排英语和数学课程. This test cannot be failed and does not affect GPA.



Due to FERPA regulations, 注册教练和专家不能向家长提供孩子注册过程的信息, course schedule, grades, or financial aid status.

We understand that this can be troubling, especially when you, the parent, may be funding your child's education. 即便如此,我们的机构也必须遵守联邦法规和指导方针.

If your child is willing, 他们可能会放弃他们的FERPA书面许可,允许我们与您交谈并向您发布他们的信息. This waiver must be signed and turned in by your child. Find the link to the waiver below.

More information concerning FERPA

Link for FERPA waiver

Turn in waivers to:



Alamo Promise

阿拉莫承诺计划通过为在阿拉莫五所学院之一的东北湖景学院获得证书或副学士学位提供必要的支持,使即将毕业的大四学生更容易进入大学, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, San Antonio College, and St. Philip's College. Alamo Promise is last dollar funding, 这意味着它将在所有其他奖学金和助学金用完后生效.

For more information on Alamo Promise, click here!



FAFSA或免费申请联邦学生援助是提交给联邦政府的表格,用于申请各种类型的经济援助,包括奖学金, grants, and loans. 如果学生希望获得经济援助,则有必要填写此表格.

Please note, 要填写此表格,学生需要在他们申请的学年之前2年的税务信息. 

For more information on filling out the FAFSA click here!

To go to the FAFSA website click here!



TSI Test

TSI或德克萨斯成功倡议测试是澳门新葡京博彩用来为学生安排适合学生水平的英语和数学课程的测试. 所有新生都必须参加TSI,除非他们已经参加了SAT/ACT考试并取得了及格分数, have taken and passed a college level English and/or math class, or have met one of the other qualifying test waivers.

欲了解更多信息或参加考试,请查看下面的链接! 评估办公室的澳门新葡京博彩也列在他们的页面上,以防您需要移除TSI hold!

Click here to visit the Assessment Office's page!



SAC Facts and Enrollment Information

For enrollment information, 请观看下面的视频或点击我们注册页面的链接. 在这个链接上,你可以看到我们的注册清单,也可以虚拟参观校园.

For the SAC enrollment page, click here!

Or browse our degree, transfer, and certificate programs here!





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