Kids' Academy


For more than 25 years, St. 菲利普学院一直是年轻人的家,他们需要一个安全和愉快的学习空间, have fun, and socialize. 孩子们会在每周的活动中学习和探索,建立新的关系. St. 菲利普学院的儿童学院将提供一个让青少年感到受欢迎的环境,让父母可以信任他们.


为期九周的儿童学院将于2024年6月3日至8月2日在St. Philip’s College for youths 4-13 years old.

Students will participate in weekly field trips, 我们将利用我们的微社会课程来弥补夏季期间的学习差距. 有关本课程的更多信息,请参阅微社会链接.

我们的儿童学院接受来自社区成员和那些谁参加或在圣. Philip’s College.

Drop-off time begins as early as 7 a.m. with free breakfast provided from 7:30 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. Kids will begin classes/activities at 8 a.m., participate in free lunch, and continue their day until 5 p.m. 所有的孩子都必须在一天结束的时候被接走,下午5点之后的旅行时间有一些补贴.m. More information will be discussed during enrollment.

我们的儿童学院的青少年将学习社交技巧,并有机会参加主题周的课程,他们将学习学术, gardening, music, chess, art/painting, and more. Swimming lessons will also be optional for an additional fee.


儿童学院将采用“微社会”课程框架,该框架拥有一个优秀的学习环境,可以激发每个孩子的创造性和批判性思维能力. 你想让你的孩子为即将到来的学年做更多的准备吗? 通过这些学术建筑和丰富课程来弥补夏季的差距.

What is MicroSociety?

在一个需要准备的世界中,随着复杂性的增加而增加价值, MicroSociety的学生有多年解决现实问题的经验, thinking critically, collaborating in diverse teams, 并以培养创造力的方式将主题和经历联系起来. From the time, they enter the building, 他们是致力于在他们的世界和我们的世界实现可持续变革的公民. Graduates are more than college and career-ready, they are innovation-ready, equipped to take on global challenges, and what’s more, 他们有内在的动力去学习新的知识和技能,并在现有的职业消失时创造新的工作.

To learn more about MicroSociety, please visit the website

What do you need to know?

  • Students elect a Mayor, Vice Mayor, 和市议会建立和实现St .的发展和改善目标. Philip’s City.
  • The Kids' Academy costs $140.00/week/child with a one-time $20.00 registration fee per child. There are no second-child discounts.
  • 儿童学院不为未注册的学生保留空间. The only way to secure space is to register as early as you can.
  • We cannot transfer the payment from one week to another.
  • An email request for reimbursement is required; you will still need to register for the correct week. [请参阅儿童学院日历,了解报销请求的截止日期.]
  • 如果注册多名学生,请一次为一名学生完成所有注册.
  • 请完整填写所有表格,并密切注意学生的信息:姓和名.
  • Do not use "same" or "on file" for any area on the form
  • 一旦学生年龄组别被填满,注册系统将不再接受额外的注册. 一旦一周满了,封顶就会在网站上显示:“对不起,本周满了.”

Exemption Approval Form

Kids’ Academy Registration for
4-13 Years Old

Registration for KIDS' Academy is now open!

Enrollment Interest Form Registration Payment


Kids' Academy Calendar & Supply List

See what we have planned for the summer.

Download the Calendar Download the Student Supply List


YMCA Summer Swim Lessons

游泳者将学会在水中舒适和发展游泳准备技能,通过乐趣和建立信心的练习. Children, teens, and adults will learn personal safety, personal growth, stroke development, water sports & 游戏和救援,培养对游泳和水上活动的终身热情.

Learn more

Contact Information

Dean for Academic Success:
Dr. Kimberley Irving-Conaway
MLK Center for Learning Resources, (CLR), 302
Continuing Education Specialist:
Vivian Crenshaw-Jones
MLK Center for Learning Resources, (CLR), 315
Administrative Assistant, Kids' Academy:
Rachel Armendariz